About the project

The second edition of the Moving Ideas Forward project (details about the first edition have been published on this webpage) is addressing a number of common challenges that not only participating organisations are facing. During several years of cooperation, Member Organisations of the EYP together with their umbrella organisation were able to identify recurring challenges that the organisations are facing. The most common ones have been chosen as subjects of this project, which focuses on three main and interconnected areas. First of them is sustainable NGO management in general, including organisational democracy, leadership and motivation of volunteers, inclusion of minorities and disadvantaged people, anti-discrimination, and accessibility. Second main area is successful fundraising, new business models in media, project management and evaluation, including communication and technologies used for planning and supervision (such as Trello or Gantt). Last area is development of international networks and cooperation.

The basic values and goals of the training of youth workers are democracy, cooperation, participation, improvement of content’s quality, leadership and organisational development. Participants trained in all those areas will be able to develop new quality projects and activities in the field of youth work, raise relevant competences among their colleagues or peers, enhance capacities of their current or future organisations, and inspire and empower young people to take active role in the society and develop new initiatives. Project consortium also acknowledges that it’s important to exchange skills and best practices in organisational and project development.

The partners of the project are Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center (Armenia), Mladiinfo Montenegro, Scambieuropei (Italy), Youth Time International Movement (the Czech Republic), Bué Fixe – Associação de Jovens (Portugal), National Institute for Social Integration Lithuania, and European Youth Press – Network of Young Media Makers (Germany).

Call for participants – English

Information about the project is also available on the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform.


  • raise knowledge of and/or improve skills in the project themes: a) NGO and project management and development, b) fundraising, c) democratic governance;
  • improve skills in writing a strategic and fundraising plan and in using new media/communication technologies;
  • strengthen capacities and network of EYP’s Member Organisations and strategic partners of the European Dialogue – primarily those involved in this project;
  • empower participants to become multipliers and inspire other youth workers and organisations.


Hosted by the Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center, the week-long training of youth workers will take place in Yerevan, Armenia, from 13 to 20 June 2022. It will bring together 24 participants from 8 organisations from the same number of European countries: Armenia, Montenegro, Italy, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Lithuania, Germany, and Slovakia (3 from each country).

The participants shall focus on the engagement and empowerment of young Europeans, not only from the EU. They shall be active in organisations promoting excellence in youth work and media production, and have various backgrounds – trainers, young leaders and volunteers, project managers and their assistants, or young media producers. Bringing together people with diverse background and experiences, but connected by their work with and for youth on paid and volunteer basis, is an added value of this project. The participants will be also mixed up to facilitate exchange of knowledge and ideas between those those with a long experience in youth work and those who are at the beginning of their career in this field.

During the training, the participants will be empowered to develop new quality youth work activities on various topics, create budgets and raise funds, empower young people to develop and implement their own projects and initiatives, and raise relevant competences among their colleagues. To guarantee a wider spectrum of views and knowledge, early-in-carrer and experienced youth workers will be participants, and the trainers and facilitators will be experts on their topics from diverse countries.

Training elements will be complementary to each other, comprehensive, and multi-angled. The programme consists of theoretical (plenary presentations, seminars, and discussions) and practical sessions (workshops and hands-on group work). It will also include study visits to successfull youth organisations.

In small groups (up to 3 people) supervised by facilitators the participants will work on concepts of their projects or initiatives on topic of their choice – e.g. training, international cooperation project, curriculum, media project, campaign, communication strategy, new business model or organisational strategy proposal, fundraising strategy, or plan on how to engage young people more in youth work activities.

Final materials created by participants

Presentations by trainers and organisers

Impressions from the training

You can check the pictures on our social media, or in the gallery.

European Dialogue / Európsky Dialóg, o.z.

Financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, KA1 – Trainings of Youth Workers, through its Slovak National Agency – IUVENTA.

Participants of the training can receive LinkedIn certificate. If you are one of them, please write to m.maska@europskydialog.eu for details that are needed to complete the certificate.